Every Bird, To You

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Praise for Every Bird, To You:

“Though these facts may seem obvious, Every Bird, To You reminds us properly, firmly, not unkindly that we aren’t gulls or bears or waves. We live human, shot through with gender, hooked and slid into tubes, violable, longing and grieving on the trail’s edge. At the mercy of cruel love and violence, vexed memory. Still, we run on ‘[t]he economy of moonset: / the desire to share a single heart / when we can never experience / the same feeling.’ That desire keeps us straining at the furthest edge of self, the sort of being-human that might someday become bird or mermaid or crest of moon. Someday. Because as Marcus notes with gravity and wisdom, ‘time / is a careful poultice, / it sucks the heat out, slowly.'” –Danielle Pafunda, author of Natural History Rape Museum


Indu Ohri reviews Every Bird, To You in Meridian

Barton Smock‘s review on Goodreads

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